Today, we are looking at how Hagar’s story relates to us. God sends Hagar back to Abram and Sarah after Hagar runs away. Sarah had wronged Hagar by giving her to Abram as a wife so Hagar could bare Abram a child. In order to protect herself and her son, she must go back to her oppressors. After the present day election, many feel like escaping. We are overwhelmed by the possibilities ahead.
The idea that we are not the Americans we thought we were is scary. As Anna worked on her thesis looking at Latina activists’ vision of liberation and comparing it with Latina and women theologians’ processes of liberation, she sought to find an activism grounded in spirituality. This is a process that takes time and a lot of effort. Often, activists would work so hard at fighting for justice, they would suffer burn-out or fall into despair.
We need to be grounded in a spirituality that will sustain us. For those whose world has been turned upside down, just like Hagar, we feel like running into the wilderness. We feel unsure where to turn. This is when God is revealed, offering new possibilities. By using the resources of her oppressors, Hagar buys time so she can move forward. We need to figure out how to make our present circumstances work in our own terms. We are clashing with the harsh realities of injustice that remain in our world. Call on that inner voice for guidance. Our inner strength will allow us to go forth and build the bridges towards justice for all.