Given By Rev. Madison Shockley January 6, 2019

Today is Epiphany Sunday, also known as  the “Twelfth Day of Christmas.” A society is judged by the way they treat their children. Our reading speaks to the way children are treated. We have a crisis today on this issue. All children are God’s children. Currently, children are being mistreated as they wait to be processed. We are like Herod in the reading because these things are done in our name. We can never know what potential lies in any person when they are but a child. Throughout our history, we have hit the jackpot when it comes to immigration. We cannot judge which child will go on to do great things. For the story, we known that not everyone who inquires about the children has good intentions. We must ask what child is this of every child. Every child must be given the opportunity to seek their true potential.