by Madison Shockley | Feb 27, 2022 | sermons
Given by Rev. Madison Shockley February 27, 2022 This is a time to stand up and raise our heads. Redemption is a popular theme in both the Hebrew and Christian faiths. In ancient times, the first of everything was given to God – crops, animals, and first-born...
by Guest Preacher | Feb 6, 2022 | Uncategorized
Given by Reginald Owens February 6, 2022 The Fort Pillow Massacre occurred on April 12, 1864 in Tennessee. Some three hundred Union soldiers, many African-Americans, were killed even though they had surrendered. The Confederacy refused to treat these troops as...
by Madison Shockley | Sep 19, 2021 | sermons
Given by Rev. Madison Shockley September 19, 2021 In Europe, church is more associated with war. Rev. Shockley traveled to Germany during his vacation and gained some insight into this association. Matthew differs from Luke on the Beatitude, blessed are the...
by Madison Shockley | Sep 17, 2017 | sermons
Given By Rev. Madison Shockley September 17, 2017 Due to technical difficulties, we lost the first five minutes of the sermon. Current events inspire the theme for today’s sermon. We look to the past, specifically Nelson Mandela’s actions in South Africa,...
by Madison Shockley | Jul 23, 2017 | sermons
Given By Rev. Madison Shockley July 16, 2017 Today’s reading describes the confrontation between Jesus and the scribes and Pharisees which originated the saying, ” A house divided cannot stand.” Casting out demons was a common part of Jesus’s...