by Madison Shockley | Jun 21, 2020 | sermons
Given by Rev. Madison Shockley June 21, 2020 We are all one. On June 15th, the Supreme Court ruled that discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is illegal. In 56 CE, the apostle Paul ruled that discrimination was not Christian. No longer does...
by Guest Preacher | Mar 11, 2018 | Uncategorized
Given By Ren Alexandra McKinnell on March 11, 2018 X-Ed (1) In a world that tries to define individuals as either male or female, our speaker, Ren McKinnell, speaks to...
by Madison Shockley | Mar 11, 2018 | sermons
Given By Rev. Madison Shockley March 11 , 2018 Today’s reading comes from the gospel of Thomas. It is one of the earlier Christian documents but was not discovered until 1945. We had only hints of its existence. Thomas traveled to the east and settled in the...
by Rev. Madison Shockley | Mar 19, 2017 | sermons
The reading today of Jesus meeting a Samaritan woman at the well is unique in several regards. First, the scene describes Jesus, a man, meeting a woman at a well. During this period of history, if you wanted to meet a woman, you went to the well. Drawing water was...
by Rev. Madison Shockley | Sep 18, 2016 | sermons
The inspiration for today’s sermon comes from two different readings, Amos 6 and Luke 16. One is from the prophet Amos and the other is a parable from Jesus. Both passages warns that those who find comfort in this life may find the next life more difficult. To...