The End of Religion/Nones Welcome Here

The reading today of Jesus meeting a Samaritan woman at the well is unique in several regards. First, the scene describes Jesus, a man, meeting a woman at a well. During this period of history, if you wanted to meet a woman, you went to the well. Drawing water was...

The Calling

On this Safe Sunday, Jaime Romo talks about what it mean to have a relationship with God. We realize that today’s reading from Luke did not actually take place, it is used to serve a purpose for that community. This story of Jesus is replicated in the other...

A Place Of Prayer

Given By Madison Shockley on May 1, 2016 Today’s sermon is based on the reading where Paul is spreading the Gospel throughout Macedonia to the centers of power. His journey was mapped out through a dream of a man calling for help. This brings up the question of...