A Luta Continua

Given By Rev. Madison Shockley September 24, 2017 Today’s reading offers comfort for those who are struggling or under stress. Paul was writing this letter from his jail cell. He wrote to encourage his followers. His only crime was causing trouble. Some did not...

We Must Finish Our Work

Given By Rev. Madison Shockley July 9, 2017 Today’s reading gives us our theme, we must finish our work. The Pharisees warned Jesus to leave Jerusalem or he would be killed by Herod. Jesus replied that he still had work to do and would not leave until he was...

Holy Healthcare

Given By Rev. Madison Shockley March 26, 2017 Today’s reading coincides with the current topic involving healthcare. Our government is wrestling with just how much healthcare should be available. The Gospel of John should not be taken literally. It is a story of...