by Madison Shockley | Dec 29, 2019 | sermons
Given by Rev. Madison Shockley December 29 2019 According to scripture, Jesus is in danger soon after he is born. The holy family must escape to Egypt from King Herod. We have a lot of historical information about Herod. He reigned for 40 years. Herod wanted to change...
by Madison Shockley | Jan 6, 2019 | sermons
Given By Rev. Madison Shockley January 6, 2019 Today is Epiphany Sunday, also known as the “Twelfth Day of Christmas.” A society is judged by the way they treat their children. Our reading speaks to the way children are treated. We have a crisis today on...
by Madison Shockley | Jul 15, 2018 | sermons
Given By Rev Madison Shockley on July 15 2018 Madison Shockley talks of fear and trembling in the palace of the king. The disciples of Jesus were going around teaching, preaching, and healing. King Herod was curious about Jesus since the king had never heard of him....