When Women Take Power~ The Gospel of Mark 5: 21-43

Given by Rev. Madison Shockley June 27, 2021 The passage today is about touch and ultimately, power. The woman was not allowed to touch or be touched as she was unclean. Having been through this pandemic, we too have been denied the ability to touch or be touched. The...

Faith Never Faints~ Luke 18: 1-8

Given By Rev. Madison Shockley October 20, 2019 Faith is not what you know is going to happen but what you trust will happen. Today’s parable is about the faith of a widow seeking justice from a judge.  She was persistent in her cause. There are many ways to...

What Does It Mean To Be A Christian ~Luke 3: 15-22

Given By Rev. Madison Shockley January 13, 2019 The reading today talks of baptism.  There are many ways to get baptized;  a few drops of water or a damp hand to full immersion.  Many people today were baptized as children. Jesus was baptized as an adult by John the...

The Paradox of Power~2 Corinthians 12: 5b-10

Given By Rev Madison Shockley on July 8 2018 Paul preaches that power is a paradox. Where we think it is, it is not. Where we least expect it, it is there. One of the greatest examples is the story of David and Goliath. That power is a paradox is one of the...