by Guest Preacher | Mar 13, 2022 | sermons
Given by Rev. Madison Shockley March 13, 2022 We begin this Lenten season with the story of Jesus’s baptism and journey into the wilderness. It is there that Jesus confronts the “devil”. The devil represents the power that always opposes...
by Guest Preacher | May 5, 2018 | sermons
Given By Neal Washburn April 29 2018 Love one another. Sounds simple. We learned that the early church may have had a problem with this. John reminded them that God is love and that his followers could be known since that love would be demonstrated. This is different...
by Madison Shockley | Jul 2, 2017 | sermons
Given By Rev. Madison Shockley July 2, 2017 The saying “There is always a ram in the bush” is a piece of folklore. One has to be familiar with the story of Abraham and his son, Isaac, to understand the meaning of this saying. This story follows last...