Given By Rev. Kathleen Lambert on October 28, 2018

The ancient text describe a simpler time. We were closely connected to nature. All activities were tied to the seasons. There is a season for everything. We can not do everything at once. God walks with us through each season. God has given us the gift of joy, celebrating teach moment of the season.  At Pilgrim, we are making space for grief as we celebrate Dia de Los Muertos. Grief for any loss is hard. It is hard to make time. We need to make the time. Loss is not just for people. It can be for a pet, job, relationships, or anything else. These feelings can hit us at any moment, even years after the loss. As we call attention to our grief, we are present in that moment. It is then we aware of the movement of the spirit, a spiritual connection with the presence of God. This is God’s gift to us. We have much to grieve today. World events have caused a deep feeling of grief. This can also be a time of healing. As we gather together, we can help others with these feelings as well as find some comfort from those around us. Let us find purpose in our grief.