Given by Rev. Madison Shockley December 15, 2019

The question today is why is Mary so happy?  Her joy is so great that her very soul magnifies the Lord. Few have felt such deep joy. Looking at her life, she should have been miserable. She was a young teenager, set to marry an older man, and she is pregnant. Joseph was not even the father. This was a scandal. She should have been scared and worried that she would be punished harshly (stoning and death).  This is why this story is important. We are hearing from someone who knows about stress and trouble in life. She knows about what it is like to be one of the world’s poor. Even in the most challenging moments, we can find joy and hope. Despite the suffering, life has joy too.  This joy is often expressed in song. Mary’s song is about hope in the face of despair and faith in the face of doubt. Through Mary’s example, we dare not lose hope, dare not lose faith, dare not lose joy, and dare not lose love. Let us sing like Mary that our soul magnifies our God!
