Given by Rev. Madison Shockley March 29, 2020
Today’s scripture speaks of a valley of dry bones. As Ezekiel prophesied to the bones, they came alive. They represented the House of Israel who were homeless and without hope. God will bring you home and give you hope. The words from the prophet, Ezekiel, are just as relevant today as they were when they were first spoken. These are scary times and people can lose hope. While the pandemic is no one’s fault, we must do everything to help minimize the damage. COVID-19 is an equal opportunity disease. We are experiencing life in the valley of death. We must imagine the possibilities for the future as life continues. We cannot go back to the way life was before but imagine a new way of life. The point of resurrection is new life. We share, not hoard. We have peace, not war. We need each other. May we come together as one and be a truly united country and world.