Given by Rev. Madison Shockley May 30, 2021

This past year has been extraordinary. The passages from our reading are among the most well-known. This talks about the call of the prophet Isaiah. A prophet speaks truth to kings and leaders and to the people. After the death of a leader, it disorients the nation. Isaiah understood his role as a prophet was to guide the people during this time of change.  He gave them and us the connection between social justice and the will of God. The corruption of bureaucracy abuses and exploits the poor and those without power. The same message comes to us. We need to end our greed, lies, oppression, and corruption. This week marks the one year anniversary of the death of George Floyd. We remember the Tulsa Massacre of 1921 one hundred years ago. This week also had another mass shooting with nine dead. We must continue to give voice to injustice. We must continue to seek solutions to gun violence. As a nation, this year saw over 500,000 deaths from COVID. We must continue to advocate for health care and access. What we have experienced as we transitioned from one President to another has caused great division. This has been an year of life-changing events. What will you do to make sure God’s will occurs? Will you answer God’s call of “Who will I send?” Here we are. Send me!