From Fragments, A Feast~ Habakkuk 1: 1-3, 2: 1-3

Given by Ann Runion November 3, 2019 It is not uncommon to wonder where God is when we see suffering in the world. Why does God not intervene? In today’s reading, the prophet, Habakkuk, asked these same questions. He is clinging to the ramparts waiting for God...

Hello, Can You Hear Me?~ Isaiah 58: 1-12

Given By Youth Minister Anna Runion March 31, 2019 Our Youth Minister, Anna, is contemplating the changes that will occur in her and her husband’s life as they raise their first child. In addition, what will the world be like in the unknowable forever? What will...

Learning From The Body~Luke 9: 10-17

Given By Rev Anna Runion on November 11, 2018 On this Stewardship Sunday, we celebrate our congregation’s use of their time and talents. We share with the entire North County community as well as the global community. It is a testament of our faith. Our reading...