by Madison Shockley | Nov 1, 2020 | sermons
Given by Rev. Madison Shockley November 1, 2020 Today is the counterpart to last week’s sermon. As Christians, our response should be to treat others as we would want to be treated. We must treat everyone with respect. After the election, those on losing side...
by Madison Shockley | Jun 30, 2019 | sermons
Given By Rev. Madison Shockley June 30, 2019 Soon it will be the season where we select our leaders for our country. We need to pay attention since the decision we make will effect the world. With great power and wealth comes great responsibility. Are leaders born or...
by Madison Shockley | Jun 23, 2019 | sermons
Given By Rev. Madison Shockley June 23, 2019 Our theme concerns spiritual food. Elijah had been driven from the city in fear of his life. He was ready to give up but an angel brought him two cakes and a cup of water. It renewed his energy and enabled him to continue...
by Madison Shockley | Feb 3, 2019 | sermons
Given By Rev. Madison Shockley February 3, 2019 Jesus’s first sermon was short but powerful. He told the crowd he is bringing good news. At first, the crowd was excited. Soon after, they wanted to throw him off a cliff. Jesus reminded them that during a famine,...
by Madison Shockley | Feb 11, 2018 | sermons
Given By Rev. Madison Shockley February 11, 2018 Have you ever had a mountaintop experience? It is a moment in your spiritual life that is transcendent. Our reading today talks about that kind of moment for the disciples, Peter, James, and John. When Jesus’s...