A Case of Mistaken Identity~ John 1: 6-8, 19-28

Given by Rev. Madison Shockley December 13, 2020 According to our reading, John was sent by God as a witness so others could believe in the Light. Jesus and John the Baptist are linked. Many mistook John for the messiah. Both were prophets preaching redemption and the...

The Great Debate~ Matthew 22: 15-22

Given by Rev. Madison Shockley October 18, 2020 Throughout Jesus’s life, he is engaged in debate. During his ministry, the Pharisees were usually his opponents. For example, Jesus questioned them on what was more important to God, what goes in your mouth or what...

The End of Religion/Nones Welcome Here

The reading today of Jesus meeting a Samaritan woman at the well is unique in several regards. First, the scene describes Jesus, a man, meeting a woman at a well. During this period of history, if you wanted to meet a woman, you went to the well. Drawing water was...

A Second Chance At Life

The Gospel of John is a different kind of gospel from the other three. Matthew, Mark and Luke are known as the synoptic gospels. John’s gospel views the life of Jesus in a different light. The early church almost did not include it in the Canon. There is no...