by Madison Shockley | Oct 22, 2017 | sermons
Given By Rev. Robert W. Lee IV on October 22, 2017 The sermon today takes its inspiration from the old hymn Rock of Ages. The Reverend Robert W. Lee IV offered us a bit of background. His mother is a nurse. Back in the early 1980’s, she was on the front lines of...
by Rev. Madison Shockley | Feb 5, 2017 | sermons
February is the beginning of Black History Month. Over the course of this month, we will explore the contributions of Blacks to our religious life. These contributions take many forms; breaching, biblical scholarship, liturgy, music, and social and spiritual...
by Rev. Madison Shockley | Dec 21, 2014 | sermons
You can’t buy equality and justice for all at a department store, but they are better gifts to honor Jesus than anything you can wrap and put under a tree. Audio: Video:
by Rev. Madison Shockley | Dec 7, 2014 | sermons
Jesus’ birthday should not be about us getting what we want to fill our homes, but about us asking what Jesus wants to fill our lives. Audio: Video:
by Rev. Madison Shockley | Oct 26, 2014 | sermons
With the pressure o bills and the responsibilities of life, it is easy to forget that we are a blessed people. So sometimes, we need to stop, take stock of our blessings, and realize that we are blessed to be a blessing to others. Audio: Video: