Fighting for Jesus~ Gospel of John 18: 33-37

Given by Rev. Madison Shockley November 21, 2021 When Pontius Pilate asked Jesus if he was King of the Jews, Jesus replied that his kingdom was not from this world. If so, then his followers would be fighting to prevent Jesus from being handed over to Rome. Jesus was...

True Gospel or Fake News ~Gospel of Mark 13: 1-8

Given by Rev. Madison Shockley November 14, 2021 Our reading talks about Jesus and the temple. He opposed what it had become. Many believe his assault on the temple lead to his crucifixion. This event is often sanitized and renamed the cleansing of the temple. This...

Innocent Planet, Guilty People~ Isaiah 53: 4-9

Given by Rev. Madison Shockley October 24, 2021 The reading today is called the Passage of the Suffering Servant. The question is who is this suffering servant? They absorb on behalf of us, our pain and suffering. Traditional Christianity applies this to Jesus. This...