What’s in Your Cup~ I Corinthians 11: 23-26

Given by Rev. Madison Shockley October 3, 2021 The sacrament of communion is described by Paul in this week’s reading. Through sacraments, we are able to experience the Divine. While some sacraments are done only once, communion is repeated. Since we make...

A Just Peace~ Matthew 5: 1-9

Given by Rev. Madison Shockley September 19, 2021 In Europe, church is more associated with war. Rev. Shockley traveled to Germany during his vacation and gained some insight into this association. Matthew differs from Luke on the Beatitude, blessed are the...

How Good Is Good Enough?~ Mark 8: 27-38

Given by Rev. Steve Meineke September 12, 2021 Everyone tries to live up to expectations. These can be from parents, teachers, society, work, and even ourselves. This takes time and energy. What does God expect of us? Are we worthy of the divine gift of life? We feel...

Are We There Yet?~ Romans 8:31-39

Given by Rev. Adrienne Armes September 5, 2021 Everyone has asked the question. Every parent dreads the question. Are we there yet? Life is about the journey, not the destination. Sometimes, that journey seems so difficult. Surprises occur. Detours are needed. The...